dental implantImplantation is the most modern form of replacing a missing tooth.

Whether implantation of an artificial root is possible or not will be decided during a free, thorough dental examination and consultation. Patient may choose from several options thus the most appropriate denture will be implanted.

Implantation takes place in local anaesthesia, within the frames of an ambulatory oral surgical operation. Due to the modern anaesthetics and technologies this intervention is painless. During the operation the dentist will screw the titanium implant into the bone, at the end of the operation sutures will be placed. Now the implant will continue healing hidden, under the gum, in the bone. Sutures may be removed one week after the operation. The healing period depends on the patient, it takes approximately 3-6 months. During this time ossification of the implant will take place – bone will form on the artificial root and fix it.

When healing period has ended, the denture will be prepared. This is not an operation, only the healed implants will be freed in order to allow screwing in the post onto which denture will be fixed. Following this, the desired denture will be prepared in cooperation with the dental laboratory – this may be metal-ceramic or metal-free crown, bridge or denture. The most important criteria of the long term success of the implant are oral care and regular dental control examinations.